The Muse meets “Aether” Geneva Swiss

After a visit to Venice Italy, Pallas Athena, Aphrodite, Σελήνη and the Muse will travel across the Alps passing the Mont Blanc Mountain,the next step on their voyage and a refreshing moment after the baroque visit in Venice.


In Geneva they will meet  “Aether” the Goddess of Air and Universal Vacuum.


A first projection is going to be held in complete silence at the snowy cliffs of the Majestic Mont Blanc Mountain, a mutual visit in the millions of years of existence.

The Goddesses, the Muse and the children are being observed from the universe by the colorful Nebulae’s, which are bedded and spinning in the noisy vacuum, our universal birthplace.


“Aether” will guide them to the instrument makers of Time, creating on earthly materials as Copper, Silver, Platinum and other precious stones as Ruby and Diamond in order to give “Time” a relative framework.

These materials were brought together to create a tambour mechanism and to slip silently into the next second of our totally calculated earthly existence.


The silent stories being told on the Greek Amphora’s from Cyprus, located in the Museum, look like being molted in time. They will join and assist the Muse and the child artists.


Mosaic and second Projection


The mosaic will be created in the shape of a Spiral forming a Circle.

It contains a huge number of colorized tiles and has a 12m diameter.

These mosaic tiles will be laid down on the square near the entrance

of the Museum of Art and History in the town of Geneva.

A special element will be constructed by a famous Swiss watchmaker in the form of a thin chrome hand and will be 10 meters in length. This moving element will be pushed forwards by electricity, coming from solar panels that are delivered by a Swiss firm specialised in this entity.


These panels will be put between the Terracotta tiles and will be colored by children staying at the General Hospital or going to school in Geneva.

The solar force is moving the needle as a hand and

the projection screen will be constructed in the centre of the circle.