Special thanks:
Museum Volkenkunde Leiden.
Managing Director Mr. Dr. Steven Engelsman.
Townhall counsil Leiden Mr.Drs.Jan Jaap de Haan.
Vocalist La Pat and Actor Peer Mascini.
Ruud Kenter and Miquel Gonzalez.
The contributing Art Sponsors.
Click-Letter of Recommendation
The 11th Muse ‘OdiliaMedia’
Peter Peereboom exhibits in Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden 30th March up to and including 1st April 2012
On Saturday 31st March and Sunday 1st April, the event room of the Museum Volkenkunde will be the scenery of ‘The birth of the 11th Muse’. In the ‘Media Temple’, designed by the artist himself, Peter Peereboom will celebrate the birth of OdiliaMedia, the muse of the digital media. Regarding the current abuse of illegally downloading and hacking, according to his opinion these media need a patroness. The muse of Peereboom is being born in a myth, written by the artist himself. Her birth will be officially inaugurated on Friday 30th March at 18.00 hours with performances of the actor Peer Mascini and singer La Pat.
Peereboom sees his myth as a first step within Dutch Mythology, a continuation of the already existing ancient Greek mythology with her nine muses plus one that was added at a later stage. This myth tells about the Proniversum, an area in which our universe is also being situated. In the Proniversum, the god WEB and the goddess Digitalisis are ruling. Their daughter and son Energia and Commukates create the phenomenon Media. Digitalisis adds a muse to this phenomenon: Odilia Media, the 11th Muse.
A Media sculpture, projections, a film and pictures ‘tell’ this story in the Media Temple. All together they provide an overview of the journey of Peereboom with his project Athena and the Muse through Europe, which started in 2008 and will end in 2018. Previous projections already have been shown in the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden (2008), on the Akropolis in Athens (2009) en in the Temple of Aphrodite in Cyprus (2010). After Leiden, the Media Temple will also visit various other museums in the Netherlands and will continue its journey through Europe in 2014.
Museum Volkenkunde | Steenstraat 1|Leiden| 071- 5168800 / info@volkenkunde.nl / www.volkenkunde.nl